Fireworks are a source of joy and celebration for many but for our dogs, they can be a source of fear and anxiety. This is true for one of our own pups, Severus, our male German Shepherd Dog. His aversion surfaced during 2020 and it has increased in severity over the years. During our journey of helping him we tried behavior modification, over the counter CBD, calming chews, and even diet changes. We had a little improvement but with the thunderstorm and hurricane seasons here in Florida and an increase of fireworks use in a new neighborhood we were at a standstill. In 2022 we reached out to a behavior veterinarian in our area for help. Our meeting and exam went well and we had a new plan. With the addition of prescription medications and our continued counter conditioning and desensitization training we are at a better place in 2024!
With the availability of fireworks and increased personal usage, we are seeing more and more dogs with noise aversion. The loud noises, bright lights, and unpredictability of fireworks can be overwhelming for dogs; leading to increased stress and anxiety. Working to understand firework aversion in dogs and knowing how to manage it is crucial for ensuring your pups well-being during festive events. Continue reading on for making these stressful booms and bangs a better experience for everyone involved.

Causes of Firework Aversion
Noise aversions are quite common, with an estimated 1/3 of the canine population affected. As a young puppy Severus did not show any aversion to loud sounds, fireworks or storms. But during adolescence at the age of 2 he had a frightening experience outside with a large and very loud firework in the mid-afternoon. We did lots of counter conditioning and play during loud fireworks and thunderstorms after that and he didn't act fearful around loud noises. During 2020 our neighborhood loved celebrating all holidays with fireworks which triggered our previous negative experience, and his fear behaviors returned.
Noise Sensitivity:
Dogs have more sensitive hearing than humans, dogs can hear sounds four times further away than humans. This increased ability can make loud noises like fireworks particularly distressing for them.
Fear of the Unknown:
Dogs thrive on routine and predictability. The sudden onset of fireworks can be frightening due to their unpredictability. Rapid repeated light flashes and bangs are very unnerving to many dogs because they cannot pinpoint the source.
Previous Experiences:
Dogs that have had negative experiences with loud noises or fireworks in the past are more likely to develop a fear response. This can include a onetime negative experience or repeated stressful exposures.
Lack of Exposure:
Puppies that have not been exposed to loud noises during their critical socialization period may develop a fear of fireworks later in life.
Sensory Overload:
The combination of loud noises, bright lights, and unfamiliar smells can create a sensory overload for dogs, leading to anxiety.
Genetics have been suggested as a cause for noise aversion. Several studies have been done with pointers and herding breeds and found the involvement of multiple genes. Knowing your dog’s breeds and parentage is important for knowing if your dog may be predisposed to noise aversion.
Medical conditions:
Medical conditions such as pain can also contribute to noise sensitivity in dogs. Senior dogs can have arthritis which can cause pain, sudden jumps or movements during fireworks can cause the dog to jump into uncomfortable positions. Older dog may also experience partial hearing loss that can change their perception of sounds and add to a fear response to sudden loud noises.

Signs of Firework Aversion
It is important for dog owners to recognize the signs of stress and anxiety in their dogs due to firework aversion. With Severus, his biggest sign of stress fireworks is vocalization and restlessness. He becomes agitated and barks with every firework bang. Dogs use their body to communicate their feelings, learning to read dog body language is important to help them with their fears and anxiety.
Common signs of stress include:
- Trembling or shaking
- Excessive panting
- Pacing or restlessness
- Hiding or seeking comfort
- Excessive barking or howling
- Destructive behavior
- Loss of appetite
- Inappropriate urination or defecation
Managing Firework Aversion
Create a Safe Space:
Set up a safe, comfortable space for your dog to retreat to during fireworks. This could be a quiet room with their favorite toys, blankets, and bedding. Lots of dogs seek out basements, bathrooms or closets during this time, the close quarters make them feel safer. You can also use a ThunderShirt, ThunderEase spray or plug ins and hearing protection for dogs. These items can be useful to help create a safe area for your pups.
Use a box fan, white noise machines or play calming music to drown out the sound of fireworks. There are also muffs that dogs can wear; these haven’t been studied or proven but have anecdotally been said to help.
Avoid Exposure:
Whenever possible, avoid exposing your dog to fireworks. Keep them indoors during fireworks displays, change your schedule on nights that fireworks will happen so your dog is inside before the festivities. Consider putting a leash and harness for added security during potty breaks, even if your yard is completely fenced.
Behavior Modification:
A desensitization training program to loud noises can help reduce fear over time. The training would start with low-level noise recordings and gradually increase the volume as your dog becomes more comfortable. Some training requires the help of a trainer.
Anxiety Medication:
In some cases, your primary veterinarian may prescribe medication to help manage your dog's anxiety during fireworks. Medication should be used in conjunction with a training program, alone it isn’t a fix for anxiety.
Professional Help:
If your dog's firework aversion needs training and or a specialized medication plan you should consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer or a veterinary behaviorist. These professionals can provide specialized training and support for you and your pup. To find professionals near you

Firework aversion in dogs is a common issue that can cause distress for our furry friends. By understanding the causes and signs of firework aversion, as well as implementing management strategies, dog owners can help their pets feel more comfortable and safer during fireworks displays. For Severus we have used a combination of veterinary intervention, medication, training and management techniques. He has more work to do and with our support his fear and anxiety is greatly decreased. Remember, each dog is unique, so what works for one dog may not work for another. Patience, understanding, and a proactive approach are key to helping your dog cope with firework aversion.
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